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Food Insecurity: at some point during the calendar year, a person experienced difficulty providing enough food due to lack of money or resources. 
Micronutreint: vitamins and minerals that are crucial to living a healthy life (ex. Iron and Vitiman A)

795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. 

That is about one in nine people one Earth


Nation (United States)

In the United States, 48.1 million Americans live in food insecure households, including 32.8 million adults and 15.3 million children. 



Tennessee exhibited statistically significantly higher household food insecurity rates at 16.3%.

In Tennessee, 1 in 6 people struggles with hunger.  


Shelby County

A study finds that 204,130 people in Shelby County--includng nearly 50,000 children--do not always know where they will find their next meal.

According to the Mid-South Food Bank and Feeding America, 22% of the Shelby County population stuggles with hunger.

This is an increase of 1%, or more than 8,600 people, over the last year. 



We as humans take for granted what we think will always be there– like food. 

We are doing our part to decrease our nation' s hunger;

we are Hearts for the Hungry and we are discovering happiness in thankfulnes. 

We are changing the world– what will you do? 

















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